Align Your Anatomy To Your Astrology
In Masonic schooling, we are all taught that our planet, earth, is a big ball of dirt orbiting around a big ball of exploding electric fire. The Masons taught us that our solar system is a heliocentric circuit, meaning that the sun is the star that every planet is orbiting around. The Masons taught us that Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn & the Moon are all solid orbs of earth orbiting around the same sun that earth is. Masons taught us that earth is the only planet with conscious life because it just so happens to be in the "goldilocks" zone- aka. the habitable zone where water can experience consciousness because it is not too hot or cold. We are taught that, because all of the planets are orbs of earth that exist outside of the goldilocks zone, none of them have habitable atmospheres like we do. NASA is funneled endless amounts of tax-payer dollars in order to build the systems that educate us to see our collective universe from the perspective of this Masonic structure.
By teaching the entire modern world to view our planet's relationship with the sun from this perspective, the Masons who made NASA are able to harness our energy to do whatever they want. Literally. The Masons that weaponize Metatron's Math to make us serve their desires are able to make up any logic behind how this works because the entire model itself is Imaginary. By teaching us that Mars is a real planet we can take our physical bodies to/live on, the Masons have created a circumstance where everyone uses their mental energy to support technology that would allow us to make these fake possibilities a real reality. By convincing humans that each planet in our solar system is a glob of periodic earth particles swirling around an exploding ball of fire, Masons have "made their mind superior" over the ancient world. This has allowed them to teach us how to view the concept of aliens through all the Jewish allegories in Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien, Marvel, DC, Transformers, & much more. Overall, Masons created NASA & Hollywood so that they could create a "New World" by using the technology they stole from Metatron to educate humanity through entertainment. Thanks to the power of NASA, Hollywood, & the Racist religions that run them, humanity has allowed the KKK to control our conscious currency by culturally identifying white people as "good & black people as "bad". They have literally used Hollywood to not only define what it means to be good & bad, but also black & white. Employing these colors to "make money" is exactly how the Masons that made the Matrix have generated endless profits out of the genocide that they systemically spread into indigenous lands, which is exactly why "blackface" is controversial in white society as of late. It is important for you to know that Blackface is rooted in the Masonic practice of paying white people to cannibalize black people. White people believe that "you are what you eat" so if they can keep eating black people, then they can build a society out of beating black people, which looks like English settlers breaking hundreds of legal treaties so that they can steal our resources & the Masons who own Marvel using the term Wakanda (a Real Native word for "God" or "Great Spirits") to make infinite money teaching black Native Americans that we are not from our own homes... Wow.
When we consider the fact that Masons are objectively spreading their Marvel Metaverse by using a Native American term to make sure that white alien invaders can continue to "Manifest Their Destiny" Make America Great through the act of erasing/replacing the black indigenous individuals that built advanced civilizations here first, we can start to see that the lies may go deeper than simply making Americans support the religious men who profit off of perpetually projecting indigenous genocide.
Or should I say, the lies go further than funding the men who perpetually profit off of the racist r8pe of indigenous Wakandans.
The lies that Masons have used to manifest their Matrix go deeper & further than any normal human can even realize. The point of living in a society that lies to you is that lies allow liars to control how we see the truth. If a liar can twist the truth into a lie, then convince us of said lie, then we will not be able to perceive the truth anymore, due to being blinded by the lie that is controlling how we see what is real.
When you know that you have been lied to, you can vibrate at a frequency that allows you to connect with the truth. The truth, in its essence, will always be the source of consciousness that the lie came from. This is explicitly why Christians are taught to view God as the man who never lies. To a Judeo-Christian, God can not be a liar if everything that is real came out of his mouth's biblical word. But, to someone who has either gotten out of Christianity or never became a follower, God is clearly lying when he uses the Holy Bible to claim that his word is the beginning of all things. Any historian of physical reality can see that Jealous Jehovah, the God who claims his word created all life in the universe, came into existence WAY AFTER the Gods we know as Hermes, Tehuti, Woden, Quetzalcoatl, & Brahma. The John Adams library is explicit proof that the Masons who made The Holy Bible are openly admitting that they stole not just the words of Gods before Jehovah, but their entire mental mathematic matrix of money from Metatron's many messengers of Mercury.
From this perspective, The John Adams Library is literally the Masons who run the 'New World' showing us that they themselves believe that God is bigger than one language, despite the fact that they have been maintaining their control over the Matrix by teaching our Christian culture that The "One True God" literally wrote the only true words known to man, The Holy Bible.
Do you see the Christian Contradiction? The Holy Bible was written by Masons who are weaponizing all of Metatron's past lives to teach us that we only live once, which means that they are weaponizing wisdom from many ancient languages across the world to teach us that The One True God strictly speaks through their modern language. It should be no secret why The Holy Bible was used to justify the brutal slavery, torture, erasure, exploitation, & s3x trafficking of countless indigenous peoples. English men fundamentally believe that Jealous Jehovah gave their Masonic Orders permission to consume our creations under any means necessary. This truth is explicitly why Hollywood created Wakanda Forever to show the world how Christian colonizers are always working to cannibalize the resources of Thoth (Black Panther) & Quetzalcoatl (K'uK'ulKan.) They are telling you the truth about what they use your tax-payer dollars to do. The Masons use your tax-payer dollars to endlessly steal resources from my Native African American families because they worship a Jealous All-Consuming Fire that promotes child-sacrifice as a justification for spreading racist genocide. What I am saying is not controversial, it is objectively the truth behind why the words we are using even matter in the first place.
"Wakanda" is the Native American term to refer to the Gods that facilitate the spiritual spaces of North, South, & Central America. Jealous Jehovah created The Holy Bible & Marvel Comics so that he could use the creations of Metatron to make us support his white-washed lies twisted out of indigenous truths. This begs the question, if Jealous Jehovah is weaponizing the spiritual truths of Metatron's past lives to sell us the physical lies about how we only live once, WHILE ALSO weaponizing the Meso-Semitic languages of Mercury's Many Messengers to claim that God is commanding us through "One True" language... then what else are white people using indigenous culture to lie to black people about?
Would you believe that the Modern Masonic model of the solar system was created out of the Ancient Mercurian model of the solar system? It is true. Before the modern world was taught to view Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, & Mercury as flying balls of dead dirt, the ancient world viewed each of these planets as independently interconnected atmospheres of cycling water.
So in the modern world, Americans think that their tax-payer dollars are being well spend on funding Space Force X because Masons have taught us that it is logical to destroy our current environment as we strive to run away into other environments. This mentality is exactly why the Europeans who worship Jealous Jehovah did whatever it took to justify the sins that allow the illegal alien "white" people to make money stealing everything in Wakanda America from the natively indigenous "black" people.
When we see that Mars is one of the celestial atmospheres, we can see that NASA is lying about going to Mars. When we see that the Moon is one of the celestial atmospheres, we can see that NASA is lying about landing on the moon. According to the ancient wisdom of Brahma's Trimurti & Hermes' Trismegistus, the moon is a reflection of the earth that we are standing upon, based on the angle in which the sunlight is being reflected inside of our atmosphere. This means that, from an ancient perspective, the Moon is literally a mirror reflection of the earth that we are standing upon. When we look at the moon, we are looking at ourselves. Thus, we have the universal concept of the moon physically representing how your Soul allows you to reflect upon the time your spirit spends on earth.
If the ancients considered the moon a reflection of the earth, then what about the sun? In Hermeticism, we know that Fire is Projection while Water is Reflection. So if the moon is a reflection of earth because it is correlated to water, then we can see that the sun is a projection of earth. To be more specific, our sun is a result of the photons that are produced from the atmospheres of pressurized water consistently colliding like clockwork. Visible light is a product of the energy our minds produce when we intentionally vibrate at a certain frequency. When you see a lighting bug, angler fish, or any bio-luminescent animal in nature, you will see proof that what I am saying is true. The bodies of bio-luminescent animals produce the photons that we perceive as light through the power of intentionally channeled consciousness, so we should recognize that our sun functions a similar way.
Masons taught us that the sun has nothing to do with our atmosphere. The Masons taught us that the sun has nothing to do with water. The Masons taught us that the sun is a big ball of fusion-friction-fire burning 93 million miles away, because this allows them to get us lost in supporting their modern heliocentric model of the solar system.
So, there are essentially two ways humans mainly look at the universe now. There is the original way, & the modern way.
Metatron's many messengers of Mercury brought the original way of seeing the solar system to planet earth.
Jealous Jehovah's many societies of secret Masons brought the modern way of seeing the solar system to planet earth.
#1 Leo Is Ego- Fixed Fire (I WILL) -The Sun (Individuality)
#2 Sagittarius Is Imagination- Mutable Fire (I SEE) -Jupiter (Connection)
#3 Aries Is Awareness- Cardinal Fire (I AM) -Mars (Communication)
#4 Scorpio Is Soul- Fixed Water (I DESIRE) -Pluto (Structure)
#5 Pisces Is Connection- Mutable Water (I BELIEVE) -Neptune (Transformation)
#6 Cancer Is Emotion- Cardinal Water (I FEEL) -The Moon (Creation)
#7 Aquarius Is Mind- Fixed Air (I KNOW) -Uranus (Consciousness)
#8 Gemini Is Communication- Mutable Air (I THINK) -Mercury (Universe)
#9 Libra Is Judgement- Cardinal Air (I BALANCE) -Venus (Ascended One)
#10 Taurus Is Body- Fixed Earth (I HAVE) -Venus (Heaven)
#11 Virgo Is Structure- Mutable Earth (I ANALYZE) -Mercury (Hell)
#12 Capricorn Is Business- Cardinal Earth (I USE) -Saturn (Cosmic Clock)
These Are The Twelve Zodiacs That Energize The Twelve Numbers Spirit Uses To Create The Cycledelic Clock We Call The Cosmic C
By teaching the entire modern world to view our planet's relationship with the sun from this perspective, the Masons who made NASA are able to harness our energy to do whatever they want. Literally. The Masons that weaponize Metatron's Math to make us serve their desires are able to make up any logic behind how this works because the entire model itself is Imaginary. By teaching us that Mars is a real planet we can take our physical bodies to/live on, the Masons have create a circumstance where everyone uses their mental energy to support technology that would allow us to make these fake possibilities a real reality. By convincing humans that each planet in our solar system is a glob of periodic earth particles swirling around an exploding ball of fire, Masons have "made their mind superior" over the ancient world. This has allowed them to teach us how to view the concept of aliens through all the Jewish allegories in Star Wars, Star Trek, Alien, Marvel, DC, Transformers, & much more. Overall, Masons created NASA & Hollywood so that they could created a "New World" by using the technology they stole from Metatron to educate humanity through entertainment. Thanks to the power of NASA, Hollywood, & the Racist religions that run them, humanity has allowed the KKK to control our conscious currency by culturally identifying white people as "good & black people as "bad". They have literally used Hollywood to not only define what it means to be good & bad, but also black & white. Employing these colors to "make money" is exactly how the Masons that made the Matrix have generated endless profits out of the genocide that they systemically spread into indigenous lands, which is exactly why "blackface" is controversial in white society as of late. It is important for you to know that Blackface is rooted in the Masonic practice of paying white people to cannibalize black people. White people believe that "you are what you eat" so if they can keep eating black people, then they can build a society out of beating black people, which looks like English settlers breaking hundreds of legal treaties so that they can steal our resources & the Masons who own Marvel using the term Wakanda (a Real Native word for "God" or "Great Spirits") to make infinite money teaching black Native Americans that we are not from our own homes... Wow.
When we consider the fact that Masons are objectively spreading their Marvel Metaverse by using a Native American term to make sure that white alien invaders can continue to "Manifest Their Destiny" Make America Great through the act of erasing/replacing the black indigenous individuals that built advanced civilizations here first, we can start to see that the lies may go deeper than simply making Americans support the religious men who profit off of perpetually projecting indigenous genocide.
Or should I say, the lies go further than funding the men who perpetually profit off of the racist r8pe of indigenous Wakandans.
The lies that Masons have used to manifest their Matrix go deeper & further than any normal human can even realize. The point of living in a society that lies to you is that lies allow liars to control how we see the truth. If a liar can twist the truth into a lie, then convince us of said lie, then we will not be able to perceive the truth anymore, due to being blinded by the lie that is controlling how we see what is real.
When you know that you have been lied to, you can vibrate at a frequency that allows you to connect with the truth. The truth, in its essence, will always be the source of conscious that the lie came from. This is explicitly why Christians are taught to view God as the man who never lies. To a Judeo-Christian, God can not be a liar if everything that is real came out of his mouth's biblical word. But, to someone who has either gotten out of Christianity or never became a follower, God is clearly lying when he uses the Holy Bible to claim that his word is the beginning of all things. Any historian of physical reality can see that Jealous Jehovah, the God who claims his word created all life in the universe, came into existence WAY AFTER the Gods we know as Hermes, Tehuti, Woden, Quetzalcoatl, & Brahma. The John Adams library is explicit proof that the Masons who made The Holy Bible are openly admitting that they stole not just the words of Gods before Jehovah, but their entire mental mathematic matrix of money from Metatron's many messengers of Mercury.
From this perspective, The John Adams Library is literally the Masons who run the 'New World' showing us that they themselves believe that God is bigger than one language, despite the fact that they have been maintaining their control over the Matrix by teaching our Christian culture that The "One True God" literally wrote the only true words known to man, The Holy Bible.
Do you see the Christian Contradiction? The Holy Bible was written by Masons who are weaponizing all of Metatron's past lives to teach us that we only live once, which means that they are weaponizing wisdom from many ancient languages across the world to teach us that The One True God strictly speaks through their modern language. It should be no secret why The Holy Bible was used to justify the brutal slavery, torture, erasure, exploitation, & s3x trafficking of countless indigenous peoples. English men fundamentally believe that Jealous Jehovah gave their Masonic Orders permission to consume our creations under any means necessary. This truth is explicitly Hollywood created Wakanda Forever to show the world how colonizers are always working to cannibalize the resources of Thoth (Black Panther) & Quetzalcoatl (K'uK'ulKan.) They are telling you the truth about what they use our tax-payer dollars to do. The Masons use our tax-payer dollars to endlessly steal resources from my Native African American families because they worship a Jealous All-Consuming Fire that promotes child-sacrifice as a justification for spreading racist genocide. What I am saying is not controversial, it is objectively the truth behind why the words we are using even matter in the first place.
"Wakanda" is the Native American term to refer to the Gods that facilitate the spiritual spaces of North, South, & Central America. Jealous Jehovah created The Holy Bible & Marvel Comics so that he could use the creations of Metatron to make us support his white-washed lies twisted out of indigenous truths. This begs the question, if Jealous Jehovah is weaponizing the spiritual truths of Metatron's past lives to sell us the physical lies about how we live once, WHILE ALSO weaponizing the Meso-Semitic languages of Mercury's Many Messengers to claim that God is commanding us through "One True" language... then what else are white people using indigenous culture to lie to black people about?
The Energetic Meaning Of Each Planet (That The Modern Government Is Using To Manifest Their Masonic Mind and Make Money Matter)
The Ascendant Is The 'Planet' That:
The Martian Masonic Matrix Uses To Represent Your Personality
Spaces Use To Communicate Their Internal Space To The External Universe
Spaces Use To Show Us How They Move
Contact CALLOWAY To Communicate About Any Of These Spiritual Matters
Water Fasting
Functional Fitness
Ascending One's Awareness
Increasing Mental Capacity
Practicing True Self Love
Conscious, Subconscious & Unconscious Connections
Manifesting The Life Of Your Dreams
Dissecting Social Situations
Clarifying Crowded Circumstances
Sun, Moon, & Asc. - $30
All Planets - $60
All Astrological Alignments - $100
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